

  • Applications

    Use with locknut to terminate service conduit to a cabinet

  • Features

    For use with copper or aluminum grounding conductor

  • Standard Materials

    Malleable Iron

  • Standard Finish

    Zinc Plated

Catalog Number Trade Size Unit Pkg. Standard Pkg. LBS. / 100 PCS UPC Dim. A Dim. B
MIB-90M 1/2″ 100 1,000 6 11200 1.13 0.40
MIB-91M 3/4″ 100 1,000 9 11202 1.40 0.40
MIB-92M 1″ 50 500 13 11204 1.68 0.54
MIB-93M 1-1/4″ 25 250 17 11206 2.06 0.67
MIB-94M 1-1/2″ 25 250 21 11208 2.30 0.67
MIB-95M 2″ 25 100 25 11210 2.77 0.67
MIB-96M 2-1/2″ 25 51 11212 3.25 0.85
MIB-97M 3″ 25 66 11214 3.88 0.85
MIB-98M 3-1/2″ 25 72 11216 4.43 0.95
MIB-99M 4″ 25 103 11218 5.03 0.95
MIB-101M 5″ 10 147 11220 6.25 1.00
MIB-102M 6″ 10 184 11222 7.37 1.00